MG MBF-P02KAI Gundam Astray Red FrameFrom the "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray" anime series, this 1/100 scale model kit becomes a fully articulated figure once complete. Featuring his signature sword, this Gundam is ready for battle...
HG Macross 7 1/100 VF-19 Custom Fire Valkyrie with Sound Booster"Macross 7" celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2024, and now the VF-19 Fire Valkyrie with its large reinforced Sound Booster weapon gets a new HG-series model kit release from Bandai! Basara Nekki'...
Gundam Build Metaverse Figure-rise Standard Avatar Fumina Model KitBandai Spirits is proud to bring a new model kit to their popular High Grade series to celebrate 10 years of Gundam Build Metaverse: Avatar Fumina! Now in 1/144 scale form, this figure features m...
HG00 1/144 #61 00 Gundam Seven Sword GBased on the Mobile Suit Gundam 00 anime, the 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G model kit is in 1/144 scale and becomes a fully articulated figure once complete. The 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G comes with GN...
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny #05 1/100 Sword Impulse GundamThe Sword Impulse Gundam, from Gundam SEED Destiny, is molded in color and features snap-fit assembly, as well as polycaps at the joints for flexibility. It can break down into the Sword Silhou...
HGUC 1/144 #175 Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee Norn (Destroy Mode)From the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn comes a 1/144 scale model kit of the Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee Norn in Destroy mode configuration! The model kit is fully poseable once assembled ...
HG00 Gundam ZabanyaThe Zabanya is Lockon’s suit as seen in Awakening of the Trailblazer, the new Gundam 00 movie! The Zabanya comes with many GN Bits, such as the Rifle Bit II, Pistol Bit, and Holster Bit as well as ...
HG R13 Providence GundamThe HG Seed Remaster releases continue, this time with Justice Gundam, Freedom Gundam, Mobile BuCUE, and Providence Gundam. Featuring action base attachments, a color scheme more faithful to the sh...
RG ZGMF-56E2/α Force Impulse Gundam Spec IIIf you've been waiting on the RG Force Impulse for a little while, your patience has paid off! Now you'll have two RGs to pick from: the original and this version that features updated colors and...
HG Gundam Amazing Barbatos LupusRemember how Gundam Legilis combined intense-looking Gundam designs with creepy pseudo-monster designs? It looks like that philosophy is back, but we're very happy to say that it doesn't include ...
HG R09 Forbidden GundamFrom the popular series Gundam Seed comes a High Grade version of the Forbidden Gundam. Molded expertly in colored plastic and featuring Bandai's innovative multi-gate technology (which allows mult...
HGCE NOG-M1A1 Black Knight Squad Shi-ve.AYou know, we were a little worried Seed Freedom would just be retreads of existing Seed designs, but we're very happy to be proven wrong by Medieval Times: The Mobile Suit Squad. More of this pleas...
HGUC RX-0 Unicorn Gundam (Destroy Mode)The Unicorn Gundam is equipped with a system known as NT-D (Newtype Drive, called Newtype Destroyer System by Full Frontal). When NT-D is activated, the internal frame expands and the entire figure...
HGUC 148 MSN-001X Gundam Delta KaiFrom the anime series, Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn comes a 1/144 scale model kit of the Gundam Delta Kai! The model kit is fully poseable once assembled. Product Features 1/144 Scale Made of...
SDCS Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee [Destroy Mode] & Banshee Norn Parts SetThe Unicorn Gundam 2 Banshee in Destroy Mode joins the "SD Gundam Cross Silhouette" model-kit lineup from Bandai! It comes with a smaller SD frame and a slightly taller CS frame with more realistic...
HG Mailes ProtogouyoThe HG MAILeS Photo Gouyou from "Kyoukai Senki" joins the HG model-kit lineup from Bandai! It's highly posable after assembly, with 3mm-diameter ports for customization; you can combine it with ite...
HGTWFM 1/144 #26 Gundam CalibarnProduct Description From "Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch of Mercury", comes the Gundam Calibarn 1/144 scale model kit from Bandai! The HG Calibarn is joining the Witch from Mercury lineup with ama...